
      Mao Ning: China’s head-of-state diplomacy witness numerous highlights in2023

      CNR: This year, President Xi Jinping visited Asia, Africa, Europe and America, received leaders from many countries in China, and chaired the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation and other major home-ground diplomatic events. How does China’s head-of-state diplomacy guide its major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics?

      Mao Ning: Under the strategic guidance of head-of-state diplomacy, major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics embarked on a new journey and has written a splendid new chapter in 2023.

      First, China has advanced major-country relations. This year’s head-of-state overseas visits kicked off with President Xi Jinping’s visit to Russia. The Chinese and Russian presidents had long, sincere, friendly, and fruitful talks and exchanges, and drew up a blueprint for the growth of China-Russia relations. President Xi was invited to hold the China-US summit meeting in San Francisco. The two sides had an exchange of views on strategic and overarching issues critical to the direction of China-US relations and on major issues affecting world peace and development to stabilize and improve the bilateral relations. President Xi had meetings with French president and EU leaders. They exchanged views and reached important common understandings on China-France relations, China-EU relations, and regional and international issues of mutual concern.

      Second, China has enhanced solidarity and cooperation with neighbors and developing countries. In Xi’an, President Xi chaired the China-Central Asia Summit, where all parties jointly announced that they will build a closer China-Central Asia Community with a shared future. In Johannesburg, President Xi attended the 15th BRICS Summit, where BRICS expansion made a historic step forward. He co-chaired with South African President the China-Africa Leaders’ Dialogue, which demonstrated through concrete action that China and African countries will forever stand shoulder to shoulder. In Beijing, President Xi announced eight major steps China will take to support the joint pursuit of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation at the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation to help developing countries speed up the process of modernization. In Hanoi, General Secretary and President Xi reached important common understandings with Vietnamese leaders to build a China-Viet Nam community with a shared future that carries strategic significance. It is another vivid illustration of the principle of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness in neighborhood diplomacy.

      Third, China contributed its wisdom to the settlement of hotspot issues. Based on the common understanding reached by President Xi and Saudi and Iranian leaders and with China’s support and facilitation, Saudi Arabia and Iran reached a historic agreement to resume diplomatic ties. To facilitate the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis, President Xi maintained communication with leaders from relevant parties to promote peace talks. Since the outbreak of the latest Palestinian-Israeli conflict, President Xi has outlined China’s principled position on multiple occasions. At the Extraordinary Joint Meeting of BRICS Leaders, he called for an immediate ceasefire and efforts for an early solution to the question of Palestine that is comprehensive, just, sustainable and based on the two-state solution.

      Fourth, China has consolidated public foundation for friendly cooperation. President Xi Jinping personally reached out to the world to tell China’s stories and make friends across the globe. Earlier this year, President Xi met with Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates and several other US friends, had cordial conversations with old friends from various sectors of the US in San Francisco, and delivered a historic speech to the American public while he was there. He also exchanged correspondence with friends from various countries. The letters conveyed messages of goodwill. It showed the character of a statesman who has a common touch and values the bond with the people. This has won respect and friendship from the world.

      President Xi Jinping once noted, “It’s hard work to travel all over the world, but we’ve made more and more friends because of it. This is our reward.” As we conclude 2023 with numerous highlights in head-of-state diplomacy, let us look forward to next year.