

      歷史文化風(fēng)貌區和優(yōu)秀歷史建筑 Historical monuments and sites

      第二輪環(huán)保三年行動(dòng)計劃 The second three-year plan of action on environmental protection

      治本 To address root causes

      交通排堵保暢 To address traffic congestion

      標本兼治 To address both existing problems and root causes


      To combine long-term strategy, mid-term objectives and short-term plans,Lay equal emphasis on construction and management,Address both existing problems and root causes

      支路 Feeder road

      “公交優(yōu)先“ To give priority to public transport

      交通換乘樞紐 Interchange hubs

      公交專(zhuān)用道 Bus lane

      交通文明 Road courtesy

      亂穿馬路 Jaywalking

      亂停車(chē)/占路 Illegal parking and blocking traffic

      宣傳教育活動(dòng) Campaign/promotion

      市容環(huán)境 Urban sanitation and environmental upkeep

      保持良好市容市貌 To make the city clean and beautiful

      集約節約使用土地 Efficient use of land resources

      災害事件緊急處置預案體系 Emergency contingency plan

      城市災害綜合管理水平 The city’s disaster preparedness

      國資改革 Reform on the state assets management

      股權多元化改造 Diversify the shareholding structure/mix

      大企業(yè)集團 Conglomerate

      核心競爭力 Core competency

      提高(上市公司的)質(zhì)量 To improve the performance of listed companies

      產(chǎn)權市場(chǎng) The property rights market

      (資產(chǎn))有序流動(dòng) Regulated flow

      “多種模式,分類(lèi)指導”(國資國企改革的原則) “Allowing multiple models and giving targeted guidance”

      非公有制經(jīng)濟 Non-public sector of the economy

      “平等待遇,開(kāi)放領(lǐng)域,引導產(chǎn)業(yè),調整結構,創(chuàng )新服務(wù)”(非公有制經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的思路)

      Granting equal treatment, opening more areas, guiding industry entry, making structural readjustment, providing innovative services

      改組改制改造 Reform, restructuring and reorganization

      落實(shí)企業(yè)投資自主權 To enpower enterprises to make independent investment decisions

      “稅收屬地征管,地方稅收分享” “To localized tax collection and share revenue between the municipality and the districts”

      稅收征管機構 Institutions of taxation collection and administration

      預算外資金收繳分離 To separate escrow account for the collection of extra-budget fund

      社會(huì )誠信體系 A credit system

      信用信息的歸集 Collection and consolidation of credit information

      失信懲戒機制 A feasible mechanism penalizing bad credit

      規范征信服務(wù)業(yè) To regulate credit-reporting industry

      國際產(chǎn)業(yè)轉移 International industrial migration/transfer

      集聚輻射效應 A magnet and beacon effect

      “總部經(jīng)濟” “Headquarters Economy”

      公平公正 Just and fair

      “走出去戰略” “Go International” strategy

      “區港聯(lián)動(dòng)”利用聯(lián)動(dòng)效應 The Collaboration between the Port and the bonded area in Waigaoqiao  Leverage  the  synergy  between…and…

      “大通關(guān)” “Efficient Customs”

      國際通行規則 International norms

      電子口岸建設 E-customs initiative

      國際服務(wù)貿易 International trade in services

      發(fā)揮口岸優(yōu)勢 To leverage the advantages as a port city

      西部大開(kāi)發(fā) West China Development

      對口地區 Provinces and cities, which we are twinned

      中心城區 City proper

      城鄉一體化 Urbanization

      宅基地置換 To reclaim rural residential land

      積極穩妥 Actively yet prudently

      歸并農村自然村落和居民點(diǎn) To merge villages and rural settlements

      工業(yè)(向園區)集中 Clustering of industries

      郊區 Ex-urban areas

      郊區城鎮 Urbanized area

      “多予,少取,放活”(農民收入) “more grant, less levy and flexible policies”

      農民經(jīng)營(yíng)性收入 Agriculture-related income

      非農就業(yè)收入 Non-agricultural income

      提高保障性收入 To increase the income from social benefits

      財產(chǎn)權益性收入 Property income

      都市農業(yè) Metropolitan agriculture

      社會(huì )事業(yè) The social sector

      現代服務(wù)業(yè)集聚區 Modern services zone

      都市工業(yè) Metropolitan industries

      聚焦政策 To provide more policy supports

      社區建設實(shí)體化,社區管理網(wǎng)格化 Community institutional building,Grid community management

      管理有序,服務(wù)完善,環(huán)境優(yōu)美,文明祥和的新型社區 Well-managed communities that boast complete services, beautiful environment and harmonious atmosphere

      管理重心下沉 To delegate management responsibilities to the grassroots level

      街道辦事處 Sub-district office

      居委會(huì ) Neighborhood committee