

      Seminal period 起步時(shí)期,初始階段

      Deflect public anger on… 將公眾的憤怒轉移到

      Inhospitable environment 不利的環(huán)境

      Casus belli 宣戰的原因

      Jihadism 圣戰主義

      It is not so much the winning but the taking part that counts. 參與比輸贏(yíng)本身更重要。/參與第一。

      Barge through numerous obstacles 克服重重困難

      Push the project on time and on budget 在預算內按時(shí)完成項目

      Fire a broadside on sb. 嚴厲批評/猛烈抨擊

      See off Paris to stage 2012 Olympic Games 打敗巴黎,贏(yíng)得2012年奧運會(huì )申辦權

      At-home birthday party 家庭生日派對

      Brand-awareness 品牌認知度

      Brand-consciousness 追求品牌

      Spending power 購買(mǎi)力

      Dole out 分發(fā)`

      Find a refrain 找出借口

      Twin baby stroller 雙胞胎嬰兒手推車(chē)

      Mud bath 泥(巴/漿)浴

      OEM (original equipment manufacturer) 原始設備生產(chǎn)商

      ODM (original design manufacturer) 貼牌設計生產(chǎn)商

      Clamp down upon 打擊,取締

      Enforcement is improving. 加強了執法力度

      Hardcore progress 實(shí)實(shí)在在的進(jìn)步

      Understand one’s home turf better 更了解自己的地盤(pán)

      Knock-off 假冒商品

      Knock-out products 著(zhù)名商品

      Big wig 權貴大亨

      Under siege 受到圍攻,遇到困難

      Superior operating savvy 出色的經(jīng)營(yíng)能力

      Have a thing for clamor 愛(ài)湊熱鬧

      Weave itself into the fabric of the community 融入社區,成為設區的一分子

      Community outreach project 進(jìn)社區工程/社區送溫暖項目

      Freeload on air conditioning 蹭空調

      Styrofoam container 泡沫塑料飯盒

      Entrenched incumbents      Established player